The role of the Consumer Advisory Group (CAG) is to bring together various representatives of diverse background and experience and to provide a consumer perspective. This often differs from bureaucratic, service provider, industry, academic or professional perspective.

The committee is formulated to provide a consumer perspective to balance the views of health professionals and other stakeholders. Committee members may be members of other groups, however this is not a forum to speak on behalf of other groups not represented on the committee. Only those people whose primary experience is as a consumer can represent a consumer perspective because their judgment is not clouded by another perspective.
The objectives of the Consumer Advisory Group is to:

  • Protect the interests of consumers
  • Represent how consumers may feel and think about certain issues
  • Contribute to the consumer experience
  • Ensure the committee recognises consumer concerns
  • Report the activities of the committee to consumers
  • Ensure accountability to consumers
  • Act as an advocate for issues affecting consumers by providing the committee information on any issues affecting consumers
  • Flag the need for the committee to undertake consumer consultation where necessary e.g. with marginalised groups.

If you are interest in joining the CAG or presenting initiatives, please contact the Director of Nursing to discuss.

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